waaaa~~cantek! mana nk dapat kt Msia??klo ada pn mst mahal.kt britain skuntum ni hrga £24.49
sedozen plak £64.87.. double hrga sdozen rose merah tuuuuuuuu!
" owhh dent khairuddin..kmk mok tk! hehe :3 "

Red ones mean passion and romance, yellow ones speak of friendship, and pink can express your thanks.
If you're feeling a little confused - or you want to keep a lady guessing - you could try sending these roses instead.
The multi-coloured flowers, known as rainbow roses or happy roses, are the latest thing in quirky gifts.

hehe..sbenarnya bunga ni dihasilkan dgn cara stem rose yg berwarna krim disuntik dengan pewarna..
stiap stem rose warna krim ni dsuntik dgn wana yg brbeza2...
selepas 12 hingga 24 jam jadi lah rose rainbow mcm ni!

ni real rose tau...
no adobe photoshop..hehe
budak ni belakon jd PIEY..
rasa nak pulak keringkan bunga ni pastu simpan lam buku!wat cm tym sekola2 dulu..p pastu bla dh bosan, dh x ska last2 buang jgak..hahahaha..love, piey ^^,